Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Abaya

At Uni i'm living with two Pakistani girls. When i moved in with them i knew nothing about their religion, their Muslim. Im not going to say i know a lot about their religion now, but i'm slowly being introduced to it and their way of being.

It's good to read and learn new things, and their religion, culture and beliefs are suprisingly interesting....

Now, some muslim girls where the traditional muslim clothes, which can range from the full head scarf, to just covering your hair, to wearing the Abaya (see picture), to the Jilbabs.
I want to talk about the Abaya....
Now my housemates don't wear the Abaya everyday, and my question, may be very insignificant, but can a Christian girl, a city girl, a modern woman easily ever convert to wearing the Abaya??
I was jokingly told by a male muslim friend the other day, that when i go out, if he could choose my clothing, he would ask me to wear the Abaya! (Imagine my reaction?! lol)
But I then did question myself, could i ever do it??
I'm a very open minded girl, so I think i could, but would i feel confortable in it? Or would i feel like i'm being judged for what i'm wearing?? Would it cover up my identity?? Would it feel like me?
Now he's mentioned it, i'm going to get HIM to help me get a nice Abaya, and i will wear it out with HIM one day to see what it feels like and to see how he conducts himself when i'm wearing a traditional dress from his religion.
I will keep you updated on his reaction when i tell him this!!

1 comment:

Carla said...

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