Sunday, January 08, 2006


Life is a rollercoaster!

This week has been a bit hetic.

Started with me in London with family and loved ones and its ending with me in France, alone.

As much as i do like the people im working with in France its difficult to enjoy my stay in France. Ive been here since September and it still doesn't feel like home. I don't think it ever will.

Im missing London, my family, my friends, my job... the laughs, the securities, the love, etc I also miss home home, my country.... Portugal

Anyway, on my return to France all the other teachers had had a good holiday season and were glad to have me back. All my students seem to have enjoyed their holidays and are ready for a next term. Come rain or sunshine Im here to help them with their English for another 4months!

Plus soonish spring will arrive & the fun will start! (I detest winter!)

Chin up girl! It could be worse it could be better!

Estou a pensar em ti!


* Ju * said...

sim... nada como os nossos cantinhos...
espero que o tempo passe rápido, e que possas voltar aos locais que tanto amas. por enquanto, continuo aqui a desejar-te tudo de melhor, e a deixar também muitos beijus aqui... de Portugal!! ;)

beiju linda*

Anonymous said...

Remember why you're doing this. Remember how quickly time will pass. You've got lots of people thinking of you, wishing you well. Do this for you, AND for them. Next time you come back your friends and family will miss you all over again, so just think of all the hugs! :o)

Someone else misses you too, but maybe won't need to.

Be strong, keep your spirits up (no, not the vodka, silly!) and keep smiling like you mean it...

Gotta go. Got loads more logs, am still chasing that +1 cm...


Anonymous said...


descobri este cantinho através da Ju e gostei tanto que vou adicioná-lo à minha lista de visitas regulares. espero que não te importes. e é sempre bom ler numa outra língua que não a nossa.


beijinhos ´