Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Sometimes I have wanted
to throw you off
like a heavy coat.

Sometimes I have said
you would not let me
breathe or move.

But now that I am free
to choose light clothes
or none at all

I feel the cold
and all the time I think
how warm it used to be.


moon between golden stars said...

benvinda á blogosfera...
depoix com mais calma vou ler os teus posts...
entretanto... força aí...
jinhus grandes

Anonymous said...

Bem...cá estou eu a comentar de novo...
Sozinho :(
Epá n tenho palavras pos teus poemas...
Tu tens aki posts mexmo loukos...cenas k tokam bué!
Adoro ixo...
E adoro-te a ti ;)
Fika bem...

Ass: *CheGue*