Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Caminho abandonado e sem saida.... Posted by Picasa

Life is never simple and to me this is the beauty of it.

However paths that shouldnt cross sometimes do... and you then need to decide... do we go our seperate ways back the way we came from, or do we join forces and start a new path together??

I believe in the destiny...


Anonymous said...

I believe in destiny too.

Miguel said...

we should believe on it :]

temos de nos agarrar a qq coisa nesta vida.. não é? :]

beijinho *

* Ju * said...

We must believe... always...
No matter how difficult it may look, we always hace to believe and look forward ;)

Beiju grande***

moon between golden stars said...

O destino é algo de fantástico... nada acontece ao acaso!!!
Um abracinhu