Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Porta encostada ou fechada??

1 Posted by Hello

I'm back....

Unsure of what to say about my holidays.
They were cool, not what I expected... but fun none the less.
I've returned extremely confused....
I left and the door had closed, at the moment the door is a little open....
Now I don't know if I want to shut it, or if I want to leave it as it is....
They say patience is a virtue.... but have I not been patient enough??
But I know.... Only time will tell what the future holds.... And I believe that if it's meant to be, it will be.

I miss you...


* Ju * said...

We all have our own future, our own destiny. Wait for yours, maybe he will be able to surprise you... ;)


Anonymous said...

So is this the old guy or a new guy...

moon between golden stars said...

Let the door always a little open...
Espero que tejas benne nina!!!
Jinhos grandes

Menina Rebelde... said...

Decidi deixar a porta encostada...

O Destino ninguem o sabe...